In its organization PPGEE has, basically, advisors in the four Departments that comprise the overall area of Electrical Engineering at the Polytechnic School, USP: PCS (Department of Computational and Digital Systems Engineering), PEA (Department of Electric Energy and Automation Engineering), PSI (Department of Electronic Systems Engineering) and PTC (Department of Telecommunications and Control Engineering).
PPGEE is divided into six Majors: Computational Engineering, Power Systems, Systems Engineering, Microelectronics, Electronic Systems and Biomedical Engineering. Each major has a coordinator and a vice-coordinator, elected by the accredited advisors from each respective area. The six major coordinators, together with a student representative, make up the Graduate Program Coordinating Commission (CCP), which is linked to the Graduate Commission (CPG) of the Polytechnic School, USP.
CCP deliberates on accrediting PPGEE courses and advisors, coordinates the program’s admissions process, and deliberates on the awarding of fellowships, among other functions. The norms established by the CCP are guided by the scientific quality of the program according to national and international criteria, respecting the norms established by the Dean of USP’s Graduate Studies and by the Graduate Commission (CPG) of USP’s Polytechnic School. The four departments of USP’s Polytechnic School which participate in PPGEE’s six majors offer a great diversity and breadth of study.