Site da USP
Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering (PPGEE) Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo


Click here to access the 2021 Registration Calendar

Accepted candidates must register in person or via a simple legal proxy at the Office of the Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering, which is located at Av. Professor Luciano Gualberto, travessa 3, 158, CEP 05508-010, Cidade Universitária, São Paulo, SP, Brazil, on a date to be disclosed on the PPGEE website.

Non-Brazilian accepted candidates must register in person, at the same location listed in Item 7.1. Candidates can only be admitted and maintained in USP graduate courses upon presentation of a valid identity document and a temporary or permanent visa authorizing study in Brazil.


At the time of registration, candidates must present the following documents:

a) printed copy of the completed registration form (on the forms page), signed by the student and the advisor

b) a recent 3 cm x 4 cm photograph

c) a simple copy of the candidate’s Brazilian Identification (RG) card or Brazilian Alien Card

(Registro Nacional de Estrangeiros, RNE)

d) simple copy of the candidate’s tax identification record (Cadastro de Pessoa Física, CPF)

e) for foreign candidates only: a copy of the printout from the Brazilian Federal Police’s Foreigner Registration System (Sistema Nacional de Cadastramento de Registro de Estrangeiros, SINCRE)

f) copy of the identification and visa pages from the candidate’s passport, or other original document that can provide additional information that may be absent in the SINCRE system (foreign candidates only)

g) simple copy (front and back) of duly registered diploma(s), full undergraduate or certification transcripts, with the date that the degree was granted from an officially recognized undergraduate course

h) evidence of proficiency in English at master’s or direct doctorate course level (for regular student entry only)

i) research project, signed and dated by the advisor and student, according to the model provided at – Instruções para preparação do projeto de pesquisa). Note that Systems Engineering, Microelectronics, Electronic Systems, and Biomedical Engineering do not require a research project

j) Academic Plan form, signed by an accredited advisor at PPGEE (Available at – Proposta Acadêmica)

k) proof that the candidate’s Lattes curriculum is up to date.