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Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering (PPGEE) Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo

Power Systems

The area of power systems can be understood through its four main lines of research.

Lines of Research

Automation of Electrical Power Systems and Industrial Processes

One aspect of this line of research addresses electrical power systems using digital techniques. The systems related to this line are transmission supervision and control systems and automation systems for substations, hydroelectric and thermoelectric power plants, and distribution. This line also includes research on automation of industrial, port, and building systems that addresses algorithms, procedures, and technological aspects to ensure operability, reliability, and maintainability of processes through flexibility of systems, communication of information, labor cell development, deployment of machine and engine drives, and function automation.


Power Electronics and Static Converters

Power Electronics deals with the static conversion of electrical energy into its various forms, with high efficiency and quality. Static conversion means conversion without moving parts, which is provided by power semiconductor devices (transistors, thyristors, diodes, and other electronic switches).
The topics addressed in this line of research include:

Network-switched converters
New digital control strategies for converters
Association of converters
New topologies
Pulse width modulation (PWM) strategies
Synchronization systems (phase locked loop, PLL)
Converters for generation systems (photovoltaic, wind, ocean waves, etc.), the study and application of new instant power theories, converters for lighting systems
Rectification with high power factor
Main disturbance compensators
Direct current transmission (HVDC)
Wireless energy transmission
Static reactive compensation (SVC and STATCOM)
Load imbalance compensation
Voltage restorers (dynamic voltage restorer, DVR)
Converters for energy storage systems
Flexible AC transmission system (FACTS) converters, smart grid converters, etc.


Simulation of Electromagnetic and Mechanical Phenomena in Electrical Devices


This area addresses electromagnetic field distributions in electrical devices and systems with two- and three-dimensional geometries and their couplings with thermal and mechanical phenomena by numerical methods.
Work in this area ranges from research on electrical machines and transformers and grounding in electrical substations to lower-power devices for implantable organs in the human body.


Electricity Production, Transport, and Use

This research line deals with studies and methodologies related to the planning, design, operation, and maintenance of electrical power generation systems (considering all primary sources) and transmission systems, electricity subtransmission and distribution, and also considers the end use of the energy.