Systems Engineering
The Systems Engineering area is essentially comprised of teaching staff from the Automation and Control Laboratory (LAC), which is housed in the Department of Telecommunications and Control Engineering (PTC). Activities in this area focus on training and research in control and automation systems, advanced control theories, control of industrial processes, robotics and automation of manufacturing, as well as developing mathematical models applied to finance, biology, and other areas. Several of these research studies are conducted with resources from companies as well as government and development agencies, such as FAPESP, CNPq, FINEP, the São Paulo State Secretary of Science, Technology, and Economic Development, Petrobrás, and the Brazilian Navy Technological Center in São Paulo (CTMSP). The LAC lab has scientific collaboration and technological partnerships with various universities and research institutions in Brazil as well as abroad. LAC graduate students come from a wide range of backgrounds: electrical and electronical engineering, mechatronics, mechanical and chemical engineering, physics, and mathematics. Students come from various regions of Brazil, and recently the LAC has hosted foreign scholars, particularly from Latin American countries. In accordance with its objectives and
the profile of its faculty, the LAC works in three specialty knowledge areas:
Specialty Area 1: Control and Automation Systems
Specialty Area 2: Probabilistic Models and Stochastic Systems
Specialty Area 3: Mathematic Models and Dynamic Systems
These specialty areas, although distinct and reasonably autonomous, illustrate a clear interdependence within the area of automation and control. Within each of these specialty areas, research activities have developed in the directions covered by the lines of research.
Lines of Research
Line 1: Optimization (Specialty 1)
Line 2: Robust Control (Specialty 1)
Line 3: Intelligent Control (Specialty 1)
Line 4: Linear Control (Specialty 1)
Line 5: Process Control (Specialty 1)
Line 6: Stochastic Control (Specialty 2)
Line 7: Biomathematics (Specialty 3)
Line 8: Nonlinear Systems (Specialty 3)