Site da USP
Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering (PPGEE) Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo

Fellowship Requirements and Criteria

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NEB é a nota do exame de bolsas para mestrado (entre 0 e 10) ou mapeamento do desempenho do aluno no exame do GRE.

PACC é uma nota associada ao número de artigos completos publicados em revistas ou congressos, ponderada pela autoria do artigo (se o aluno é o primeiro, segundo ou terceiro autor) e pelo fator de impacto JCR da publicação, comparado com o JCR dos outros alunos no ranking. A forma de cálculo do PACC é descrita adiante.

NRM é igual a 10 para ingressantes e alunos especiais sem reprovações em disciplinas de mestrado, 5 para alunos especiais que tiveram uma reprovação em disciplina de mestrado, e 0 (zero) para alunos especiais que tiveram duas ou mais reprovações em disciplinas de mestrado.

IC é uma nota associada ao número de meses em que o aluno participou, comprovadamente, de um programa de iniciação científica, ponderado com o número de meses de iniciação científica de outros alunos no ranking. A forma de cálculo do IC é descrita adiante.


Para alunos ingressantes e regulares de doutorado, o índice do aluno será calculado baseado no desempenho acadêmico durante o programa de mestrado conforme segue:

1456348640_applixonde MH é a média do histórico de pós-graduação de mestrado (média ponderada e normalizada entre 0 e 10); NPi =2 para artigos completos em periódicos (ISI, Scopus, Compendex, Scielo, Unitrier, Qualis A ou Qualis B), NPi = 1 para artigos completos em congressos com corpo editorial internacional, NPi = 4 para patente internacional, NPi = 2 para patente nacional e IE é o índice da instituição onde foi realizado o programa de mestrado (IE = 1,2 para instituições com nota CAPES na faixa de 5 a 7, IE = 1,0 para instituições com nota CAPES na faixa de 3 a 4 e instituições estrangeiras). Os alunos estrangeiros que aderirem ao Programa PEC-PG da CAPES ou outros programas conveniados e não forem agraciados com bolsa, poderão concorrer na quota institucional com IE = 1,2.

O índice do orientador (IO) será calculado baseado no seu desempenho como segue:

onde IPr é o índice de premiação do orientador, IPe é o índice de penalização do orientador, n é o número total de alunos bolsistas do orientador nos últimos 6 meses (n contabiliza alunos que defenderam, alunos que desistiram após um ano de bolsa, alunos que depositaram dissertação ou tese, e alunos com bolsa em andamento) e k é um número inteiro entre 1 e o número mensal de pedidos do orientador (NPO) que será incrementado com passo 1 de acordo com a ordem decrescente dos valores IA para o conjunto de NPO alunos.

Os índices de premiação (IPr) e penalização (IPe) serão apurados nos últimos três anos, de seis em seis meses (“semestres cheios”), nos meses de Fevereiro e Agosto de cada ano, conforme segue:


onde NT é número de teses de doutorado defendidas com apresentação das publicações obrigatórias correspondentes, ND é o número de dissertações de mestrado defendidas com apresentação das publicações obrigatórias correspondentes, NCT é o número de co-orientações de doutorado defendidas com apresentação das publicações obrigatórias correspondentes, NAI é o número de artigos com alunos em periódicos internacionais (ISI, Scopus, Compendex, Scielo, Unitrier, Qualis A ou Qualis B), NAN é o número de artigos com alunos publicados em periódicos nacionais (ISI, Scopus, Compendex, Scielo, Unitrier, Qualis A ou Qualis B), NCI é o número de artigos com alunos publicados em congressos com corpo editorial internacional, NPI é o número de patentes internacionais aprovadas, NPN é o número de patentes nacionais aprovadas, NMA é o número acumulado de meses em 1456348259_handdrawn-bookatraso nas defesas de mestrado e doutorado de bolsistas (número acumulado de meses além de 27 para os bolsistas de mestrado somado ao número acumulado além de 51 para os bolsistas de doutorado), e NAO é o número de ocorrências de artigos obrigatórios que deveriam ter sido publicados vinculados a teses e dissertações e não foram (considerando bolsistas e não bolsistas).

Ignore o texto abaixo






Requirements and criteria for the institution’s quota of fellowships for the Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering at EPUSP

(Approved by the CCP on October 6, 2008)



  1. Requirements

For all fellowship students (time counted from the beginning of the program):

  1. A plan of study must be turned in by the end of the first semester;
    2.  The student must be interviewed by the Fellowship Commission and turn in a final report every school year.

For Master’s Fellowship Students:

  1. a) The qualifying examination must be passed by the end of the fourth semester;
    b) The weighted grade average for all courses through the end of the third semester must be at least a “B”.

For Doctoral Fellowship Students after the Master’s degree:

  1. a) The qualifying examination must be passed by the end of the fifth semester;
    b) The weighted grade average for all courses through the end of the third semester must be at least a “B”.

For Direct Entry Doctoral Fellowship Students:

  1. a) The qualifying examination must be passed by the end of the seventh semester;
    b) The weighted grade average for all courses through the end of the fifth semester must be at least a “B”.

1456348263_handdrawn-graduation-capThe fellowship duration will be counted starting from the entry into the program and not the date of the fellowship’s approval. Non-compliance with the requirements may lead to the loss of the fellowship after the filing of a report by the Fellowship Commission and a review by the Graduate Program Coordinating Commission (CCP).


  1. Criteria for the awarding of fellowships

With the creation of the Coordinating Commission for the Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering (CCP) and the inclusion of EPUSP’s Graduate Program in Electrical Engineering in CAPES’s “Programs of Excellence” (PROEX), a new scheme was instituted for the classification of Master’s and Doctoral students for the institution’s quota of fellowships. Entering students come from a great variety of educational backgrounds including well known state universities of São Paulo and federal universities as well as private and foreign universities, with diplomas in Electrical Engineering, Technology, Computer Sciences, Mathematics, Physics and Biology, among others. In keeping with the current philosophy of the CCP and after far reaching discussion within the PPGEE, new criteria for the awarding of the institution’s quota of fellowships have been determined as follows.

A single fellowship classification list will be prepared monthly based on the request grade (NS) which will be calculated by the product of two indices: the student index (IA) and the advisor index (IO).

For entering and regular Master’s students, there will be a fellowship examination given during roughly the same period as the PPGEE entrance exam at dates and times that will be announced beforehand. Every candidate for a Master’s fellowship should take the fellowship exam and  entering student candidates will become regular students when they receive fellowships, and regular student candidates will receive fellowships if they meet the grade requirements at the time the fellowship is to be granted, in accordance with the fellowship requirements in force at that time.

The fellowship exam will be made up of 20 multiple choice questions related to basic mathematics for engineering according to the program in the appendix. The Master’s student index will be obtained through the following formula:


Where MEB is the average for the Master’s fellowship examination (between 0 and 10); NPi = 2 for complete articles in periodicals (ISI, Scopus, Compendex, Scielo, Unitrier, and Qualis A or Qualis B), NPi = 1 for complete articles in congresses with an international editorial corps and IC = 1 for undergraduate scientific research with a funding agency fellowship and an approved final report.

For entering and regular Doctoral students, the student index will be calculated based on academic performance during the Master’s program according to the following formula:


Where MH is the historic average for the Master’s program (weighted average normalized between 0 and 10); NPi =2 for complete articles in periodicals (ISI, Scopus, Compendex, Scielo, Unitrier, Qualis A or Qualis B), NPi = 1 for complete articles in congresses with an international editorial corps, NPi = 4 for international patents, NPi = 2 for domestic patents and IE is the index for the institution where the Master’s program was completed (IE = 1.2 for institutions with CAPES grades between 5 and 7, IE = 1.0 for institutions with CAPES grades of 3 and 4 and foreign institutions). Foreign students who have adhered to the CAPES PEC-PG Program, and other partner programs who haven’t received a fellowship, can compete for the institution’s quota using an IE = 1.2.

The advisor index (IO) will be calculated based on performance according to the following formula:

where IPr is the advisor award index, IPe is the advisor penalty index, n is the total number of the advisor’s fellowship students during the past 6 months (n counts students who have defended theses or dissertations, students who have given up after one year of their fellowship, students who have deposited their finished thesis or dissertation and regular fellowship students) and k is an integer number between 1 and the advisor’s number of monthly requests (NPO) which will be incremented by 1 according to IA values sorted in decreasing order for all NPO students.

The award (IPr) and penalty (IPe) indices will be determined using data for six month periods (“full semesters”) ending in February and August for the previous three years as follows:


where NT is the number of Doctoral dissertations defended with the presentation of the corresponding mandatory publications, ND is the number of Master’s theses defended with the presentation of the corresponding mandatory publications, NCT is the number of co-advisorships for dissertation defenses with the presentation of corresponding mandatory publications, NAI is the number of articles with students in international periodicals (ISI, Scopus, Compendex, Scielo, Unitrier, Qualis A or Qualis B), NAN is the number of articles published in domestic periodicals (ISI, Scopus, Compendex, Scielo, Unitrier, Qualis A or Qualis B),1456348259_handdrawn-book NCI is the number of articles with students published in congresses with an international editorial corps, NPI is the number of internationally approved patents, NPN is the number of domestically approved patents, NMA is the cumulative total of months late in the defense of Master’s or Doctoral fellowship students (the cumulative total of months beyond 27 for Master’s fellowship students and the cumulative total of months beyond 51 for Doctoral fellowship students), and NAO is the number of times mandatory articles related to theses and dissertations were not published (for fellowship and non-fellowship students).
